Lake County Addendum Forum

SOI #19023 Professional Consulting Surveying and Eng Services for LCPW

Addendum #1

February 11, 2019

Question:  The six pages of consultant forms at the end of the SOI packet are common to all projects. Do these have to be included as part of each individual SOQ? If so, do these six page count against the 10 page limit? Similarly, Section 1.0 - Executive Summary, Section 4.0 - Budget, and Section 5.0 Quality of Documents are common to all projects. However, from the previous responses, it appears that these need to be included in each individual SOQ. Could you please confirm? If they do have to be included in each SOQ, do they count against the 10 page limit?

Response:  Each SOQ shall be limited to 10 pages per project.  The six pages of consultant forms at the end of the SOI packet do not count against the 10 page limit.  If a SOQ applies to more than one project, common pages may be shared across project types.  Additional pages may be added for each additional project.  Submitting an excess number of pages will not disqualify a bid.  Duplicative forms should be included with each project SOQ, as reviews and interviews will be empaneled separately. 

Question:  Does LCPWD have an existing hydraulic model?  If yes, what is the model program?  If yes, when was the model last updated?  If yes, was the model created with GIS information?

Response:  No, LCPWD does not have an existing hydraulic model. 

Question:  Confirm Format – We understand that we will need to submit 1 SOI with a prioritized listing of the projects we are interested in pursuing, and (up to ) a 10 page SOQ for each project?

Response:  Yes, that is correct.

Question:  Will resumes be included within the 10 page max limit per project?

Response:  Yes.  Please note, submitting an excess number of pages will not disqualify a response.

Question:  Are resumes included in the 10-page limit for SOQs? Do we submit a separate General Information Sheet, Reference Form, Firm Qualifications, Sustainability Statement, and Disclosure Statement with each project SOQ, or do we just submit 1 version of these documents that will cover the entire submittal?

Response:  Each SOQ shall be limited to 10 pages per project.  If a SOQ applies to more than one project, common pages may be shared across project types.  Additional pages may be added for each additional project.  Submitting an excess number of pages will not disqualify a response.  Duplicative forms should be included with each project SOQ, as reviews and interviews will be empaneled separately.

February 7, 2019

Question:  Is Lake County selection (1) Consultant per Category or pool of consultants?

Response:  Lake County will review submissions and conduct negotiations in accordance with the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act (50 ILCS 510/). The Evaluation Process on page 7 of the SOI details the qualifications that will be considered by the County.

Question:  Is there any DBE (%) requirements for subconsultants?

Response:  No.

Question:  When would services start/when do you anticipate first task Order?

Response:  Different categories will have different start dates as projects are selected.  We hope to select projects and enter into agreements for all categories between April 1 and Dec 1 of this year.  It is possible some categories will kick off in 2020.  Consultants should be prepared to begin work in April 2019. 

February 6, 2019

Question: Please confirm intent is a single SOI page per firm regardless of the number of projects that a firm is submitting SOQs for.

Response:  A single SOI page may be submitted per firm, regardless of the number of projects being considered. 

Question: Included in the SOQ request are Section 4 – ‘Budget’ and Section 5 – ‘Quality of Documents’ that are expected to be duplicative for firms submitting on more than one project. Shall these sections be included in each of the project SOQs?

Response:  Yes, duplicative forms should be included with each project SOQ, as reviews and interviews will be empaneled separately. 

Question: Please clarify the expectations of the 10 page SOQ page limit per project. 10 pages single side or 10 pages double sided.

Response:  The SOQ page limit is for 10 pages single-sided. 

Question: Do you expect cover pages for each project SOQ and if so do covers count toward the page limit?

Response:  Cover pages do not count toward the page limit. 

Question: For submission of SOQs on multiple projects do you expect to see them bound/filed separately or just a single mass document?

Response:  Submission of SOQs for multiple projects should be bound separately, as reviews and interviews will be empaneled separately. 

Question:  Under the Submission Requirements on page 6, it states that "each SOQ shall be limited to 10 pages per project." Are we supposed to have a separate 10-page SOQ for each project type that includes Executive Summary, Experience, Project Team, Budget, and Quality of Documents? Or does this mean we're allowed extra pages in our SOQ if we are submitting on multiple project types since our responses to some of the sections will be pretty similar across project types? Please clarify how our response should be structured. Also, are we submitting 1 organization chart that covers all project types, or should we have a separate chart for each project type?

Response:  Each SOQ shall be limited to 10 pages per project.  If a SOQ applies to more than one project, common pages may be shared across project types.  Additional pages may be added for each additional project.  Submitting an excess number of pages will not disqualify a response. 

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