Addendum #1
February 6, 2019
Question: Does the County currently have any diversion facilities for jail step-down and/or non-incarceration alternatives for their mental health court to avoid re-incarceration when indicated? Is it co-ed? Generally, does (and how does) the facility fit into the County's Criminal Justice Sequential Intercept programming, and is the County involved in the national Stepping-Up Initiative which pertains to reducing incarceration of people with mental illness?
Response: Lake County joined the national Stepping Up Initiative in 2015. The Lake County Jail and Mental Health Court do not have step-down programs. This initiative is an Intercept 1.
Question: Is it known at this point whether the proposed facility be subject to any licensing and/or certifications? Is so, who will have jurisdictional authority?
Response: Jurisdiction, licensing and/or certifications will be determined based on the solution brought forward by the results of this SOI.
Question: Is there any sense for the anticipated to occupancy type for the proposed facility? Can you confirm the occupancy type of the current LCHD facility? We would suggest that it could be I-1, R-4 (6-16 people) or I-2.
Response: Lake County can not confirm occupancy type at this time. The selected firm’s scope of work shall include the evaluation and analysis of several facility type and patron service pairings. The intent is to best meet the underlying needs in accordance with Lake County’s 2017 Strategic Goals including: #2 “Build Healthy, Inclusive and Resilient Communities” and Strategy #4 “Provide Public Safety and Advance an Integrated, Data-Driven Justice System”
January 17, 2019
1. Is cost estimating anticipated as a scope of service for this project?
Response: Yes a detailed cost estimate of various options considered and delineated should be included.
2. How many hard and/or digital copies are required for the submittal?
Response: One original and one electronic unprotected copy.
3. Are there any mbe/wbe/dbe requirements?
Response: No.