Addendum #1
August 10, 2022
Question: The Page 3 Example Projects listed in SOI #22128 are exactly the same as those listed in SOI #22125. Are there water facilities projects that the County has planned that are specific to SOI #22128? Are these listed projects all of a general nature?
Response: Please see the revised Intent Section:
Intent - Water Facilities Analysis, Design and Construction Oversight
Lake County Public Works is seeking a consultant to investigate water system issues and improvement options, prepare all necessary surveys, preliminary and final engineering studies, design documents, and bid documents. Provide bidding services, including, but not limited to, addressing all addendum. Conduct construction-related services, including, but not limited to, evaluating shop drawings, monitoring construction, preparing change orders, and reviewing contractor pay requests. Obtain all permit approvals and provide as-built record drawings and related documents.
Projects are often highly complex infrastructure improvements including complex coordination sequencing with stakeholders to maintain operational needs throughout the rehabilitation project. Engage with stakeholders and the public, as necessary.
Example projects include the following:
- Construction of new water towers or water storage reservoirs
- Complete rehabilitation of reservoirs and well houses
- Rehabilitation or replacement of water mains
- Water system evaluation for resiliency planning