December 14, 2016
Question 1. Are there any existing models of the water systems or sewer systems?
Response: We assume you are referring to hydraulic modeling of the systems. No, there is no comprehensive hydraulic modeling for our water or sewer systems.
Question 2. Any electronic mapping of the systems available?
Response: Our water and sewer systems are mapped electronically.
Question 3. What is the mapping format?
Response: The mapping format is ESRI ArcGIS.
Question 4. Does the County want the deliverable as a GIS/digital format?
Response: Yes, digital and paper formats.
Question 5. When we perform these services, we usually have enough field work to understand how each system is operated. Is this level of field work desired and expected?
Response: We did not anticipate any field work related to this project.
Question 6. What is the scheduled completion date, or is this a multi-year project that depends on how many systems there are and how much information is available on each? This will help indicate if we need to seek out sub-consultants.
Response: This project is intended as a single project that will develop and recommend multi-year improvement projects for water and sewer replacement.
Question 7. Who provides waste water treatment for your system or systems?
Response: The provision of waste water treatment varies by area. We provide treatment services for several regions. But, we also receive treatment service for certain areas from the Northwest Regional WRF (Fox Lake), Libertyville WRF and the North Shore WRD.
Question 8. Does the County intend that this project will be based on existing data only, and that field condition assessment is not part of the project scope?
Response: The field condition assessment is not part of the project scope.
Question 9. Does the County Have MBE or WBE requirements for this project?
Response: No.
December 16, 2016
Question 10. Is there an existing capital improvement plan for water main and sanitary sewer infrastructure?
Response: The results of this assessment will help the County develop a multi-year water and sewer replacement program and determine an annual program amount.
Question 11. Will manholes be included in the project?
Response: Yes, manholes will be included.
Question 12. What type of existing water and sewer data is available for performing the assessment? Is there break/repair history, televising videos, leak detection results, SSES inspection data, etc.?
Response: a. Yes there is data including break/repair history, TV videos in most of the system except for the very large interceptor sewers, leak detection reports and some SSES inspection reports are available based on recent projects.
Question 13. Will the assessment include structures such as manholes, valves and valve vaults, lift/pump stations, etc.?
a. Manholes, valves and vaults would be included
b. Lift/Pump stations would not be included; but force mains would.
Question 14. The SOI states that the County has categorized the sewer system by age, etc. - how is this information stored? Is it logged in a GIS system? If so, what type of GIS system is used? We want to be sure we will have access to this data.
Response: LCPW has a GIS system; Esri ArcGIS 10.4.1.
Question 15. Were the existing NASSCO pipe grade assessments completed by a PACP trained/certified staff person?
Response: LCPW staff is PACP trained/certified.
Question 16. Are pumping stations and force mains to be included in the assessment? If so, how many are there?
Response: Pump stations and lift stations would not be included, but force mains would be. We have /- 45 miles of force main.
Question 17. Does LCPW want to include all sewers in the assessment or will there be a diameter based cut-off criteria?
Response: All sewers.
Question 18. What is the schedule for completion of the assessments?
Response: Summer 2016.
Question 19. If additional assessments are recommended, will these be completed as part of this project? For example, if there is an interceptor that was not previously assessed, will this project simply recommend a future assessment, or will this project go ahead and have the assessment completed so it can be included? If it is to be done as part of this project, will LCPW contract for that separately?
Response: This project will require that the consultant perform the assessment based on the data LCPW has. It is not contemplated that the consultant would perform field assessments of facilities, structures or pipe. If an assessment is not possible or would be inaccurate and requires additional work, then that would be considered outside the scope of work of this proposal and would be contracted separately or as a change order depending on the work and the cost.