Lake County Addendum Forum

vision services for Lake County

June 15, 2020

The following additional documents were posted to the RFP document package today:

1) Member Utilization

2) Monthly Claims Summary

3) Vision Services Bill-Invoice

May 21, 2020

In response to several questions the following documents have been added to the RFP packet:

1) Current Provider Benefit Sheet
2) Additional Plan details and utilization/rates spreadsheet

Q) The RFP mentioned a base and enhanced plan, but Exhibit A only had one plan design. Would you like me to quote the plan that was illustrated in Exhibit A or put together a dual option plan? A) Lake County currently has 1 plan that has 2 different options, Basic or Enhanced.  Lake County will consider all quotes of plan offerings.

Q) Is the group currently ASO? A) No

Q) he RFP that was released for the Vision insurance, the County currently is covered under Superior Vision which is a fully insured carrier.  However, on page 11 of the RFP (at the very top) it mentions obtaining a self-insured quote.  Is the County looking for fully insured or self-funded quotes at this time for the vision? A) Fully insured quote is what is being requested. The sentence found on p. 11 of the RFP shall be omitted from the RFP:  The County requests a self-insured plan proposal only.

May 19, 2020

No addendum posted at this time