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Contract No. 24-00999-03-ES - April 2024 SOI/SOQ

SectionNumber: 24-00999-03-ES
Title: April 2024 SOI/SOQ

Notice is hereby given that Statements of Interest (SOI) are requested together with Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) for furnishing professional civil engineering services on the following projects.  The SOI/SOQ shall be submitted by registering on the Lake County DOT Projects tab of the Lake County Purchasing Portal and using the “SUBMIT” feature within the SOI/SOQ project.  For information on how to submit the SOI/SOQ consultants should refer to and follow the “SOI/SOQ Submittal Instructions” on our website: Consultants shall not solicit information from local agencies, residents, or businesses while preparing their SOI/SOQ. Submission deadline is 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. Selected firms are expected to be notified on June 7, 2024.


  1. Section No. 24-00999-03-ES:  Preparation of Phase I preliminary engineering study, and an option to perform Phase II design engineering, in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Local Roads & Streets Policies & Procedures, for Lewis Avenue corridor study between Sunset Avenue and IL Route 173 in the Village of Beach Park and Cities of Waukegan and Zion. Phase I work will include preparation and approval of a Project Development Report for State approval, intersection design studies; alternatives analysis; traffic capacity analysis to determine roadway cross sections to handle existing and future traffic projections; evaluation of non-motorized travel improvements; field survey; plats and legal descriptions for right-of-way and easement acquisitions; identification of detention requirements; flood plain determination; hydrology/hydraulic analysis; wetland delineation; soils investigation; structural design work for retaining walls and culverts; aesthetics evaluation; public involvement activities; and environmental coordination (PESA and PSI) and approvals (biological, cultural, wetland and special waste). Coordination with LCSMC, utility companies, permitting agencies and local communities will be part of the work.  The study shall include a multi-year phased plan for construction for programming purposes. Although the project will initially be funded by local funds, the work shall be developed as being eligible for possible federal funding to be used for construction. The basis of evaluation will be 25% technical approach, 15% firm experience, 20% specialized expertise, 20% team capabilities, 15% past performance, and 5% workload capacity.


The SOI shall be limited to 1 page.  The SOQ shall be limited to 3 pages max. The SOQ shall provide a concise project approach, identify the project team, and highlight 2-3 recent, relevant projects which the key project team members were involved in. A minimum of three (3) firms will be selected as the most qualified from their SOI/SOQ submittal to make a presentation to a selection committee.  The committee will then select a consultant for the project. The selection process may be modified to fit the needs of the project as determined by LCDOT.   


A current IDOT prequalification listing shall also be included with the submittal and not counted against the page limit. 


The County, in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, hereby notifies all firms expressing statements of interest that it will affirmatively ensure that the contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement will be awarded without discrimination on the grounds of race, color or national origin.

DOTContact: Julian Rozwadowski
DOTPhone: 847-377-7400
DOTFax: 847-984-5855

Number: 24-00999-03-ES
Title: April 2024 SOI/SOQ
No events have been logged for this contracting opportunity.
Number: 24-00999-03-ES
Title: April 2024 SOI/SOQ
Baxter & Woodman, Inc.8678 Ridgefield Road Crystal LakeILUnited States60012 Joanna MacCallum
Tel: 815-459-1260
CHRISTOPHER BURKE ENGINEERING9575 W. Higgins Road Suite 600RosemontILUnited States60018 Sherry Sporina
Tel: 847-823-0500
EnvirobidnetPO BOX 18999 Pt CharlotteFLUnited States33981 John Falcone
Tel: 8888880900
DLZ Illinois, Inc.8340 W. Bryn Mawr Suite 100ChicagoILUnited States60631 Jennifer Jones
Tel: 773-283-2600
Bidnet15 British American Blvd LathamNEUnited States12110 Kurt Pitzer
Tel: 8006771997
Patrick Engineering Inc.55 E Monroe, Suite 3450 ChicagoILUnited States60603 Cisley McPhail
Tel: 630-795-7200
Thomas Engineering Group, LLC238 South Kenilworth Avenue Oak ParkILUnited States60302 Angelica Gal
Tel: 8555331700
Dodge Data & Analytics2860 S. State HWY 161 Suite 160 #501Grand PrairieTXUnited States75052 Darlene Baker-Mann
Tel: 844-326-3826 x9246
Bloom Companies150 N. Wacker Drive Suite 1650ChicagoILUnited States60606 Vice President
Tel: 3128769500
STV Incorporated200 W. Monroe Street Suite 1650ChicagoILUnited States60606 Aubrey Tetreault-Folmsbee
Tel: 312.270.4183
EXP205 N. Michigan Avenue Suite 3600ChicagoILUnited States60601 Amy Frankowski
Tel: 3126167406
GSG Consultants, Inc.623 Cooper Court ChicagoILUnited States60173 Jay Olson
Tel: 6309942600
Parsons10 South Riverside Suite 400 ChicagoILUnited States60606 Jeffrey Hall
Tel: 3129305160
Bowman Consulting Group Ltd.1001 Warrenville Road Suite 110LisleILUnited States60532 Carolyn Valentino
Tel: (312) 869-6009
ERA3S701 West Avenue, Suite 150 WarrenvilleILUnited States60555 Tracy Moon
Tel: 6303933060
Gewalt Hamilton625 Forest Edge Dr Vernon HillsILUnited States60061 Peggy Yarbro
Tel: 8474789700
TranSystems1475 Woodfield Road Suite 600SchaumburgILUnited States60173 Nicole Adesso
Tel: 847.605.9600
Stanley Consultants8501 W. Higgins Road, Suite 730 ChicagoILUnited States60631 Sabrina Krichel
Tel: 3128042251
Stanley Consultants, Inc.8501 West Higgins Road Suite 730ChicagoILUnited States60631 George Vukelich
Tel: 773-693-9624
Civiltech Engineering, IncTwo Pierce Place Suite 1400ItascaILUnited States60143 Stephanie Moran
Tel: 630-773-3900
Wight & Company2500 North Frontage Rd DarienILUnited States60561 John Clinnin
Tel: 6309188823
H.W. Lochner, Inc.225 W. Washington, 12th Floor ChicagoILUnited States60606 Michelle Yates
Tel: 312-372-3011
Atlas Engineering Group, Ltd.211 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 730 ChicagoILUnited States60606 Natalia Homedi, PE
Tel: 847-753-8020
LCDOT600 W Winchester Road, Libertyville, IL 60048 LibertyvilleIDUnited States60048 LCDOT Staff
Tel: 8473777400
Clark Dietz Inc. 125 West Church Street Champaign ILUnited States61820 Michael Livermore
Tel: 12173738927
The HOH Group, Inc.623 Cooper Court SchaumburgILUnited States60173 Santiago Garcia
Tel: 3123468131
TranSystems1475 E. Woodfield Road Suite 600SchaumburgILUnited States60173 Katherine Schillerstrom
Tel: 6303065692
R.M. Chin & Associates, Inc.500 West 18th Street Suite 200ChicagoILUnited States60616 Diane Nossem
Tel: 13125952000
ECS Midwest, LLC1125 Valley Belt Road Brooklyn HeightsOHUnited States44131 Jillian DiBenedetto
Tel: 2167417007
V3 Companies7325 Janes Avenue WoodridgeILUnited States60517 Marissa Modesto
Tel: 7737150342
WBK Engineering116 W Main Street Suite 201St. CharlesILUnited States60174 Joy Ideran
Tel: 630-338-8538
Morreale Communications7144 North Harlem Avenue Suite 131 ChicagoILUnited States60631 Kim
Tel: 3123006870

Phone: 1.800.555.5555

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