Bid Details

Contract No. 24-00000-23-ES - August 2024 SOI/SOQ

SectionNumber: 24-00000-23-ES
Title: August 2024 SOI/SOQ

Notice is hereby given that Statements of Interest (SOI) are requested together with Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) for furnishing professional civil engineering services on the following projects.  The SOI/SOQ shall be submitted by registering on the Lake County DOT Projects tab of the Lake County Purchasing Portal and using the “SUBMIT” feature within the SOI/SOQ project.  For information on how to submit the SOI/SOQ consultants should refer to and follow the “SOI/SOQ Submittal Instructions” on our website:

Submission deadline is 10:00 A.M. on August 19, 2024.


  1. Section No. 24-00000-23-ES: Preparation of Lake County’s 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The work will include the development and implementation of a comprehensive public involvement plan; development and maintenance of an interactive project website; administration of surveys to the public; conducting focus groups and charrettes; development of materials for meetings with the public, stakeholders, and elected officials; coordinating with regional partners (CMAP, RTA, IDOT, etc.); inventory and analysis of data on the existing transportations system, travel trends, demographics, land use, and safety concerns; modeling of future traffic demand; generation of specific project recommendations by mode (roadway, non-motorized, transit); development of a corresponding financial plan that estimates reasonably expected tax revenue and identifies other potential funding mechanisms; compilation of existing conditions report, financial plan, mode plans, and project listings into a comprehensive 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan Report. It’s expected that the work will be completed over a two-year period with work beginning in February 2025. It’s anticipated that plan development will be funded by local funds and Statewide Planning & Research Funds. The basis of evaluation will be 50% technical approach, 10% management approach, 20% experience of firm and personnel; 10% specialized experience; 10% workload capacity.


The SOI shall be limited to 1 page.  The SOQ shall be limited to 3 pages max.  The SOQ shall provide a concise project approach, identify the project team, and highlight 2-3 recent, relevant projects which the key project team members were involved in. A minimum of three (3) firms will be selected as the most qualified from their SOI/SOQ submittal. The committee will then select the firm that is the most qualified for each project. Selected firms may be asked to make a presentation to a selection committee. 


A current IDOT prequalification listing shall also be included with the submittal and not counted against the page limit. 


The County, in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, hereby notifies all firms expressing statements of interest that it will affirmatively ensure that the contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement will be awarded without discrimination on the grounds of race, color or national origin.


Number: 24-00000-23-ES
Title: August 2024 SOI/SOQ
No events have been logged for this contracting opportunity.
Number: 24-00000-23-ES
Title: August 2024 SOI/SOQ
Baxter & Woodman, Inc.8678 Ridgefield Road Crystal LakeILUnited States60012 Joanna MacCallum
Tel: 815-459-1260
EnvirobidnetPO BOX 18999 Pt CharlotteFLUnited States33981 John Falcone
Tel: 8888880900
Dodge Data & Analytics2860 S. State HWY 161 Suite 160 #501Grand PrairieTXUnited States75052 Darlene Baker-Mann
Tel: 844-326-3826 x9246
STV Incorporated200 W. Monroe Street Suite 1650ChicagoILUnited States60606 Aubrey Tetreault-Folmsbee
Tel: 312.270.4183
ERA3S701 West Avenue, Suite 150 WarrenvilleILUnited States60555 Tracy Moon
Tel: 6303933060
Morreale Communications6703 N. Northwest Highway Suite 2AChicagoILUnited States60631 Kim Morreale
Tel: 3123006870
Civiltech Engineering, IncTwo Pierce Place Suite 1400ItascaILUnited States60143 Stephanie Moran
Tel: 630-773-3900
Alfred Benesch & Company35 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 3300 ChicagoILUnited States60601 Brooke Beckner
Tel: 312-565-0450
Epstein600 West Fulton Street 900ChicagoILUnited States60661 Gail Pollard
Tel: 3124298070
HDR Engineering, Inc.9450 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 400RosemontILUnited States60018 Thomas Hein
Tel: 773-867-7244
LCDOT600 W Winchester Road, Libertyville, IL 60048 LibertyvilleIDUnited States60048 LCDOT Staff
Tel: 8473777400
R.M. Chin & Associates, Inc.500 West 18th Street Suite 200ChicagoILUnited States60616 Diane Nossem
Tel: 13125952000
Morreale Communications7144 North Harlem Avenue Suite 131 ChicagoILUnited States60631 Kim
Tel: 3123006870
Quality Saw & Seal, Inc.7600 W. 79th Street BridgeviewILUnited States60455 Jennifer Lamb
Tel: (708) 728-1895
WSP USA, Inc.30 N LaSalle Suite 4200ChicagoILUnited States60602 Megan McDonald
Tel: 312-618-4753
Krantz Strategies815 Queens Gate Cir Sugar GroveILUnited States60554 Meredith V Krantz
Tel: 6309472385