Addendum 1
Addendum #1
April 7, 2020
Q#1: I was needing to know is this a bid that awards all or none? What I mean by that is can be bid on just items and not labor?
A: Please reference Page 16; #6 titled Award. Lake County have decided not to split the bid between two companies one for supplies and the other for labor.
Addendum #2 Picture
April 7, 2020
Some of the Part Numbers and Descriptions has recently changed. Please use the attached revised list for your bid. Those items highlighted in yellow was revised. Click on the word Picture to view the attachment.
Addendum #3
April 15, 2020
Q#1: Would like more clarification on DELIVERY.
- Does awarded outfitter pick up vehicles at LAKE COUNTY?
A: We work with our vehicle dealers to deliver the vehicles directly to the up-fitter. This works well when the dealer is within the specified free delivery mileage range to the up-fitter. When then ask the up-fitter to arrange for multiple vehicle deliveries but we can deliver and retrieve vehicles if necessary.
Addendum #4
April 16, 2020 Picture
Please disregard Addendum #2 dated April 7, 2020
Please use this attachment list instead. Please attach the revised list to your bid. Those items highlighted in yellow was revised. Click on the word Picture to view the attachment.
Addendum #5
April 21, 2020 Picture
#1: Some of the Part Numbers and Descriptions has recently changed. Please use the attached revised list for your bid. Those items highlighted in yellow was revised. The LCSO has also added some Additional Options. This revision is the only copy that includes the additional options. Click on the word Picture to view the attachment.
#2: Please note the Bid Due Date has changed. The new Due Date is Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 11:00 AM CST.
#3: Lake County will be accepting only electronic bid submissions for Invitation for Bid #20063 – Police Vehicle Accessories and Outfitting for LCSO.
Please follow the steps below to upload your electronic Bid Submission:
Go to
- Click on the Bid Number: 20063
- Click on register for this bid
- Enter your user name and password
- Under the Submittals section you will be able to upload your bid submittal
- Click on the browse button
- Navigate your computer and select the appropriate file
- Multiple files can be uploaded, each file can be no more than 20 MB
- Click on save submittals
- Close the browser
*Please note: Responses are due at 11:00 a.m. CST on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Please allow sufficient time for any technical issues you may have and upload your bid early. Please email Purchasing at to receive confirmation that we have successfully received your submissions.
ALL SUBMITTALS SHOULD BE LABELED ACCORDINGLY. Please make this label as part of the first page of submission:
BID/RFP No. BID # 20063 Vendor Name:___________________________
Vendor Address:__________________________
Please follow the following steps to attend the Public Bid Opening:
- Go to
- Click on the “Under Review” tab
- Click on the Bid Number: 20063
- Click on the “Events” tab
- Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking on the meeting link
- Please plan on joining the meeting at least 5 minutes early and mute your microphone