Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid 17147 Elevator Modernization for Lake County

Addendum # 1

Thursday June 8, 2017

Please see pre-bid sign in sheets. (1) (2) (3) (4)

Friday June 16, 2017

Please use updated Base Bid and Alternate pages.  Download here.

See photos to assist with the bid process.  Download here.

Q.  Where is the Fire panel located for these cars? The one that the fire department would look at when they walk in the door.

A.  The fire modules are in the elevator machine room adjacent to the electrical disconnect switches.

Q.  Will the mechanics need an escort for the entire duration of the project? Or once they’re in the machine room, they’ll be giving a radio to communicate with the County staff?

A. Contractors will need an escort to and from the elevator penthouse in the Jail, once in the penthouse you will not need an escort. The penthouse has a land line phone and the County provide a radio for communication to Facilities Operations. 

Additional Addendum Clarifications from Design Engineer.  Download here

Monday June 19, 2017

Additional Photo of Jail Elevator Remote Panel.  Download here.