Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid #24210 - Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Improvements

Addendum #1

February 21, 2024

Question 1:  Is the existing 72” EF pipe RCP or PCCP pipe?

Response:  The existing 72” EF pipe is RCP pipe.

February 16, 2024

Question 1:  Please refer to Contract D – Plan Sht. 065-AS-1. RE: Sheet Piling - How far beyond the outside walls of the UV Effluent Diversion Boxes is the sheet piling required to extend?

Response: Reference Specification 31 23 00, 1.05.B. Contractor is responsible for having the system designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the state of Illinois.

Question 2: Is Beams & Lagging ERS acceptable?

Response: Reference Specification 31 23 00, 1.05.B. Interlocking steel sheet piling is specified.  

Question 3: Who is responsible for CCDD soils testing and furnishing of IEPA LPC-663 Clean Soils Certification?

Response: Reference Specification 01 57 19, 3.06. Contractor is responsible.

February 15, 2024

Addendum Dated 2.15.2024

Question 1:  Drawing 065-M-18” encased drain pipe under the UV structure appears to be ductile iron that continues to an existing manhole on drawing 002-CPE-1. Yard piping schedule piping material do not show ductile iron pipe. Please clarify if the drain line below the UV structure and to the manhole is to be PVC as noted on the pipe schedule or ductile iron under the structure and transition outside of the encasement to PVC.

Response:  See revisions to Section 40 05 05 issued by Addendum dated 2/6/24. Drain line is to be ductile iron where embedded and encased, and transition to PVC for yard piping.

Question 2:  Marking tape or tracer wire requirements for buried pipe systems were not located in the specifications. Please clarify if required.

Response:  Marking tape and tracer wire requirements have been added via addendum. See addendum document dated 02/15/2024.

February 9, 2024

Clarification:  Is addendum #1 dated 02/08/24 actually addendum #2? We downloaded an addendum #1 dated 01/26/24. Please clarify.

Response:  Reference is made to Project Manual, Addendum Acknowledgment Form.  All addendums must be acknowledged on the form.  The following example format is acceptable.  Additional lines would be required if additional files are posted before Bid Opening.

1 (blog/website)   “sign or initial”
1 (file dated 01/26/24) “sign or initial”
1 (file dated 02/06/24)   “sign or initial”
1 (file dated 02/08/24)   “sign or initial"



Question 1:  Please clarify responsibility for isolating, dewatering, and cleaning the clarifiers.

Response:  A clarification has been included to Section 01 11 00B – CONTRACT B SUMMARY OF WORK as an addendum item.

Question 2:  If isolation is the Contractor’s responsibility, please confirm the existence of existing infrastructure to enable isolation of each clarifier (i.e., valves, gates, etc.).

Response:  Isolation is not the Contractor’s responsibility.

Question 3:  If dewatering is the Contractor’s responsibility, advise as to an acceptable pumping discharge location.

Response:  Dewatering is not the Contractor’s responsibility.

Question 4:  If cleaning of the clarifier is the contractor’s responsibility, advise as to whether the Contractor will have access to service or effluent water for this purpose.

Response:  Cleaning is not the Contractor’s responsibility.

Question 5:  Refer 01 53 06, Part 1.01, B. Portions of the work anticipated to require temporary piping systems include, but are not limited, to the Secondary Effluent bypass around Structure 50.  Please clarify the Engineer/Owner’s intent regarding the Secondary Effluent bypass around Structure 50. Identify examples of work items for which the Contractor will need to employ the Secondary Effluent bypass around Structure 50.

Response:  A clarification has been included to Section 01 11 00A – CONTRACT A SUMMARY OF WORK as an addendum item.

Question 6:  Refer 01 53 06, Part 1.01, B. Portions of the work anticipated to require temporary piping systems include, but are not limited, to the Secondary Effluent bypass around Structure 50.  Refer 050-M-2. The work associated with construction of the new wall opening through existing wall (S371) required at both the Effluent Sampling Room and Rise Well will take more than one day to complete. Please confirm this was anticipated during design and is acceptable.

Response:  A revision has been included to the Drawings as an addendum item.

Question 7:  Refer 01 53 06, Part 1.01, B. Portions of the work anticipated to require temporary piping systems include, but are not limited, to the Secondary Effluent bypass around Structure 50.  Refer 050-M-2. Please clarify the conditions within the Effluent Sampling Room and Rise Well that the Contractor should anticipate during construction of the new wall openings. Advise as to whether these areas will be isolated and dewatered by Owner personnel prior to Contractor beginning his work.

Response:  Areas will be isolated. Effluent Sampling Room will be dewatered. Rise Well will be turned over to contractor with a maximum water level of 656.67.

Question 8:  Refer 01 53 05, Part 1.01, B. Portions of the work anticipated to require temporary pumping systems include, but are not limited, to W3 Pumping.  Please clarify the Engineer/Owner’s intent regarding the W3 temporary pumping. Identify examples of work items for which the Contractor will need to employ W3 temporary pumping.

Response:  See 01 11 00A-Contract A Summary of Work. W3 Temporary Pumping will be required to supply the W3 pumps (located in Structure 50) during the Secondary Effluent Bypass Around Structure 50.

Question 9:  Refer 01 53 05, Part 1.01, B. Portions of the work anticipated to require temporary pumping systems include, but are not limited, to W3 Pumping.  Please identify acceptable suction and discharge points for the W3 temporary pumping system.

Response:  See Plan Note #1 and #2 on Drawing 50-M-2.

Question 10:  Please identify the type of breaker needed for the new 400A breaker shown on plan sheet 007-E-9.

Response:  The breaker information and requirements are below:

  1. The 400A circuit breaker shall be LSI (Field adjustable short time and continuous current settings).
  2. Existing switchboard 20MDP-1 is a Westinghouse Pow-R-Line C Switchboard (#CW12567)
  3. The circuit breaker’s interrupting capacity rating shall match existing switchboard’s rating

February 6, 2024

Addendum No. 1

February 2, 2024

Question 1:  Please advise as to whether materials furnished for this contract are required to conform to the provisions of the American Iron & Steel Act (AIS).

Response:  Materials furnished for Contract A, Contract B, Contract C, and Contract D are NOT required to conform to the provisions of the American Iron & Steel Act (AIS).  Please refer to the Project Manual, Special Terms and Conditions section and other related sections for more information.

Question 2:  Please advise as to whether materials furnished for this contract are required to conform to the provisions of the federal Build America, Buy America Act (BABA).

Response:  Materials furnished for Contract A, Contract B, Contract C, and Contract D are NOT required to the conform to the provisions of the federal Build America, Buy America Act (BABA).  Please refer to the Project Manual, Special Terms and Conditions section and other related sections for more information.

January 31, 2024

Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet

January 29, 2024

Question 1:   Please clarify the installation requirements for the ballasted EPDM roofing system on Contracts A and C.  Section A/050-S-5 (Contract A) and detail 1/035-S-3 (Contract C) call for the EPDM roofing membrane to be fully adhered, but spec section 075323, 2.03 and 3.04, C, 1 calls for the membrane to be loose laid.

Response: Please refer to Addendum for revised plan sheets and details on roofing.

Addendum No. 1

January 23, 2024

Question 1:  Will contracts A, B, C, and D run concurrently or one after the other?

Response:  Contract A, Contract B, Contract C, and Contract D will all run concurrently.

January 18, 2024

Question 1:  Please advise as to whether the municipalities wherein the three facilities are located will require a building permit for the work to be performed under this contract. If so, advise as to whether the permit fees will be waived.

Response:  Please reference Project Manual, Technical Specifications, Section 01 41 00, Part I, Paragraph 1.01.  Permit fees for permits listed in Project Manual, Technical Specifications, Section 01 41 00, Part I, Paragraph 1.01(B) are paid by Owner.  Des Plaines River WRF is not located within a municipality.  Des Plaines River WRF is in unincorporated Lake County.

Question 2:  Is there a cost estimate or budget?

Response:  Engineer’s OPCC are as follows:

Contract A (Filter Improvements) - $3,382,000

Contract B (Clarifier Improvements) - $2,514,000

Contract C (Blower improvements) - $1,401,000

Contract D (UV Upgrade) - $5,903,000

Combined Bid (all four Contracts) - $13,200,000

Question 3:  Is there a start date for the project to begin? Is there an end date as well?

Response:  Please reference the full Bid Documents (Drawings/Plans and Project Manual) for information.  Additional attention is called to Instruction to Bidders, Article 19; Bid Form, Item #2; and Agreement, Article 4.

Question 4:  Are you able to provide the Square footage of the project?

Response:  Please reference the full Bid Documents (Drawings/Plans and Project Manual) for project details and descriptions.

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