Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid #24368 - Public Works Administrative Office Addition and Sprinkler Installation


Addendum #1

Attached - sign-in sheet from the pre-bid meeting held onsite November 18, 2024.

Addendum #2

Lake County has extended the bid due date to Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. local time.

Addendum #3

See responses to RFIs received below:

Question Response
Signage Scope Confirmation: Please confirm the signage scope of work is only in the additional administrative building, and there is no additional signage work in the existing building. Signage will be required only as part of new work.
Will Architect waive the AISC certification standard for the steel fabricator. AISC certification is not waived for shop fabrication. However, field welds where indicated on the plans needs only be performed by AWS certified welders. The reason for keeping the certification for shop fabrication is that this structure is a moment resisting frame without wall bracing.
Please confirm if there are any existing CAD drawings for the building and the land for grading.  Yes, there are CAD/REVIT files available
Please confirm if there is a geotechnical report. A geotechnical report was not created for this project. Please include this as part of construction testing to be by general contractor.
Please confirm if there are any unsuitable or contaminated soils. Testing only will be the responsibility to be by the general contractor.
Please confirm there is no asbestos or lead remediation expected. Based on previous projects in the building there is no asbestos or lead remediation expected
Please confirm what door is applicable for section “083113 – ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES” This section is refereing to access doors for mechanical or plumbing items at drywall walls or ceilings to be intstalled as required.
Please confirm if spec section “099113 – EXTERIOR PAINTING” is applicable to this project, if so, please confirm the scope.  This would apply to the the structural steel at the exposed steel framing at the roof screen.
Please confirm if Lake County would be willing to waive the AWI certification – all millwork will be built using AWI standards, however, the county would likely get a more competitive price without the certification.  Yes, this can be waived.
Drawing A1.6: The finish schedule on A1.6 lists two CPT-1 but does not list CPT-2. Please confirm. CPT-2 should have the reference for the Mohawk, Reckless BT353/883 Wild Thing
1. Rooms 116 & 117 are tagged to receive CPT-1 on the finish plan but don’t have a demo keynote about removing flooring in the entire classroom. Should the entire classrooms get new carpet and base or only along the perimeter wall that’s being demo’d. (will assume only patching where new wall is being demo’d) Reinstall salvaged existing carpet tile as required to patch along the perimeter wall being infilled.
A site As-Built Survey will be required as part of the contractor's closeout for submittal to the Village of Libertyville. A site As-Built Survey will be required as part of the contractor's closeout for submittal to the Village of Libertyville.
Please clarify CPT-1 & CPT-2 locations on page A1.6 per the legend. They are both called out as CPT-1. CPT-2 should have the reference for the Mohawk, Reckless BT353/883 Wild Thing
Please clarify if we are to use CT-2 in the restroom. It is called out on page A1.6 in the finish Ledgen but no spec is provided. Also, CT-2 is not shown in the elevations on page A4.0. Provide CT-1 on floor and walls at Toilet Room 140
Please provide floor/wall finish in existing Mechanical Room 135. The existing walls are painted concrete block and the floor is a mix of VCT and exposed concrete.
Revised drawings S1.2 and S2.3 See the attached revised structural drawings for revisions to the roof screen.
Revised formed metal wall roof screen. Revise formed metal wall panels per Spec Section 074213.13 at roof top screen to be perforated (23% open area) aluminum  7" horizontal ribbed panel with standard factory finish attached to structural steel framing. Contractor to provide all required trim pieces and access gate. Basis of design 7.2 Rib Panel.


Please see the following attachments:

1. Structural Addendum Sheet

2. Revised Bid Form

3. Floor Plan Sequencing Work

4. Revised Division 01 Project Specs

Addendum #4

Question Response
Please confirm if bidders should include the cost to provide the following insurance policies:  pollution liability, builders risk, and professional liability.  An installation floater is not the same as builders risk and may be inadequate compared to a builders risk policy covering the full value of the contract if you do, in fact, require this coverage. (see email) Bidders may take exception where indicated on the Bid Documents. The County will review and consider whether to allow the exception if that Bidder is determined to be the lowest responsible & responsive bid.
Please confirm the anticipated notice to proceed and mobilization dates for schedule creation. Notice to proceed will be issued after February 15, 2025 Board Meeting.
Please confirm the necessary fire suppression scope – I don’t see any drawings, the spec book says not applicable, but the bid forms make mention of fire suppression. Please refer to Pg. 66 of the Bid Drawings document.
We noticed on page 29 of the bidding document for this project that the contractor is required to have completed three $20 million dollar projects in the last 5 years. This project will be substantially smaller than that. Is this requirement necessary?

Contractor Qualifications Item #10, currently reads: "BIDDER MUST INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF 3 PROJECTS WITH DIRECT CONTRACT VALUE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO $20,000,000…"

This value has been amended to "$4,000,000".

 Please indicate if we are to include MBE/WBE sub participation and what percentage is required for each.  No, there is no such requirement.
Page FP-01 shows open office 104 with no ACT. Please confirm.  Please review sheet A1.4 regarding architectural finishes of the ceiling.
When is the start date for this project?  The project will begin after Board Approval.
Please clarify note H on page E3.1. All work to be completed by low voltage system contractor. Remove note "Owner to provide final termination".
Can you confirm the roof membrane?  It says .60 mil gray EPDM? Firestone does not sell this.  And is this regular or fleeceback? As an acceptable product provide Elevate (formerly Firestone) Rubber Gard EPDM Roofing, non-reinforced, 0.060” thickness, color: black.


Please see the following attachments:

1. 224000 Plumbing Fixtures

2. E3.1

3. P2.0

4. P2.1